By: Mohammad Tuaha
How to Create Web service and Consume web service in Web
Or Create web service and consume web service
Visual Studio 2010 - up-to
Step 1: First create a website.
Step 3: In App_code
Folder has à NewWebService_tut_1.cs
file is the main web service operation file
Here is web service Method
public double Add(double x, double y)
return (x + y);
public double
Subtract(double x, double
return x - y;
public double
Multiply(double x, double
return x * y;
It’s simple web service function. Now it’s ready to use Just
build and RUN F5.
In my web service has two parameter one is X second is Y
How use it’s on web
Step 4:
Open a new web project and add web reference.
Open a new web project and add web reference.
Copy the web service url
Add web Reference ànd paste Link into URL textbox
Step 5:
Now add two textbox and a button in Default.aspx page.
protected void
btnValueCalculation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (txtValue1.Text != string.Empty && txtValue2.Text != string.Empty)
int x = Convert.ToInt32(txtValue1.Text);
int y = Convert.ToInt32(txtValue2.Text);
service = new NewService.NewWebService_tut_1();
lblAdd.Text = "Sum: " +
service.Add(x, y).ToString();
lblSub.Text = "Difference: "
+ service.Subtract(x, y).ToString();
lblmul.Text = "Multiplication: "
+ service.Multiply(x, y).ToString();
lbldiv.Text = "Divide: " +
service.Divide(x, y).ToString();
catch (Exception)
lblAdd.Text = "Please Fill Value ";
// Tuaha mohammad
// Tuaha mohammad
Now run your web project. User can use this web service
any web platform any language like PHP ,jsp Asp
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