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Generate soap client from wsdl in Netbeans

By: Md Mahfuj Jia

Introduction: In previous tutorial we have seen, how to create soap web service using SpringWS and Apache CXF. After creating web service we need to consume and make a client for these web services. Your business layer is completely separate from client and main purpose of the client is creating request and get response.  For java, Netbeans is a fantastic tool for creating client from wsdl and in this tutorial we will see how to create client from wsdl and how to consume it.

Projects snapshots:

Image: 1 –This is our wsdl from previous tutorial and we will generate client from this wsdl.

Image: 2-3  -Steps of generating wsdl client.

Image: 4 –Output after generating client.

Image: 5 –Now we see the generated file in Netbeans.

Image: 6-8 –When client will generate, we see the generated source code contains xmlgorgioncalender date format and we need to convert this date format to For conversion, we need external binding file, which makes our client code serializable and convert the desire date format.

Image: 9 –To avoid this error, just clean and build the project in Netbeans.

Image: 10 –This is our main class. Here we will see how to consume service using wsdl client.

Project Source Code:

Happy coding…


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